Managing Static Assets With Zig Build
I’m continuing to experiment with building a web application in Zig, and one of the things that any lazy back-end software engineer will reach for when it comes time to build an HTML frontend.
However, I don’t really care to pull in all of nodejs and npm in order to manage bootstrap.
So I thought, why not try and see if I can manage it via Zig’s built in build system?
The first thing was to fetch bootstrap and add it to my build.zig.zon
zig fetch --save=bootstrap
This will end up adding the following to your build file.
diff --git a/build.zig.zon b/build.zig.zon
index 56f2c0f..29f41bb 100644
--- a/build.zig.zon
+++ b/build.zig.zon
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
.url = "",
.hash = "jetzig-0.0.0-IpAgLZ4RDwDIhgF_bgxiO6qxCRSdtUAq4y4WHTtO_zQc",
+ .bootstrap = .{
+ .url = "",
+ .hash = "N-V-__8AADmEhAChEbTwQ1bJaHsF6OJ10mMavacv-kDlUYZR",
+ },
The next step was to figure out how to extract the zip during the build and
place it somewhere in the build output, so it could be used by later build
steps. I came across this post which helped me move further. Adding the following to your build.zig
will extract the zip into zig-out
during the build phase, in the static
directory along side the executable.
const bootstrap = b.dependency("bootstrap", .{});
const install_step = b.addInstallDirectory(.{
.source_dir = bootstrap.path("."),
.install_dir = std.Build.InstallDir{ .custom = "static" },
.install_subdir = ".",
Now, if you are using jetzig you will want to have
your build file set up a little differently, to extract the files into the
folder that jetzig uses for serving static content, and place it at the
correct location above the jetzig.jetzigInit
call so that it gets build into
the server executable.
// Bootstrap js/css
const bootstrap = b.dependency("bootstrap", .{});
const install_step = b.addInstallDirectory(.{
.source_dir = bootstrap.path("."),
.install_dir = std.Build.InstallDir{ .custom = "../public/" },
.install_subdir = ".",
try jetzig.jetzigInit(b, exe, .{});